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Kunstbok Oslo is supported by Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond.

Lise Linnert


Lise Linnert is a visual artist and human rights activist. A continuous thread throughout her artistic practice is her interest in relationships and a strong belief in the power of the hands. Through various media, she explores art as an entryway to dialogue and change. Linnert works along two parallel paths: one that is political and social, involving interdisciplinary collaboration and collective participation, and another that is personal, rooted in her own experiences. Her projects can span several years or have no end date. Whether working collectively or independently, the process is always essential to her work. Linnert has exhibited extensively nationally and internationally.

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Det glitret over meg (2024)

ISBN–ISBN 978-82-997574-8-5

The book “Det glitret over meg/ It Sparkled Over Me” illuminates Linnert's twenty years as an artist through rich visual materials and texts in various genres. A personal essay by Therese Tungen explores how pain and beauty can exist close together. A conversation between Linnert and fellow artist Jannik Abel discusses the work of the hands and the value of repetition. An essay by Antonio de la Garza highlights the importance of self-expression. Another essay by Birgitte Ellemann Höegh describes how Linnert's work affect her. A cycle of poems by Karoline Brændjord brings forth hidden layers in a creative process.

Editor: Nina M Schjønsby

Design: Christine Munch/Munch Design

Publisher: Grapefruit Publishing

Support: Fritt Ord, Kulturrådet,Regionale prosjektmidler

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