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Kunstbok Oslo is supported by Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond.

Anne Ingeborg Biringvad


Artist book published with support from the Art Council Norway. Lyrics by Phd. Sissel Gunnerød, the author Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold and the art critic Lars Elton.

Low Quality PlaceholderAnne Ingeborg Biringvad


Liturgy (2017)


Liturgy, artistbook 2017
In the article «Gud og hvermann» Phd. Sissel Gunnerød investigates
the senses and reflection potential in Biringvads series Severdighet
(2013) and the artproject Liturgi (2013 – 2017). She sees the
artproject in connection with both religious and materialistic
undertones in culture. There is a political aspect in the artworks that
brings the attention towards a restructuring of materialistic and
symbolic spaces. The clustered objects that Biringvad is putting to
use, it be the embroidered pillows, embroidered pictures or
embroidered blankets, the leftover material and the «leftover»
common people becomes visible. The story is not only about physical
things but about people and their everyday life.

Biringvad makes people that examplifies this culture visible to us, it be women embroidering on demand or beggars living in a blanket.
In a short poem «Blomstene vokser nedenfra», the author Kjersti
Annesdatter Skomsvold tells the story about the quilt she inherited
from her grandmother and continues the poem with stories about all
the sorrows, but also perhaps memories of joy hidden in the blanket,
a blanket which looks like a night sky full of stars.
In an interview by the art critic Lars Elton, Biringvad tells us about
what she focus on in her art practice, her relationship to language,
aesthetics, visual culture, folklore versus new culture, but also
religion. We get to know why she in 2011 left painting and moved
towards “readymades” created from the folklore culture.
Biringvads upcoming exhibition in 2025 is supported by “Fritt Ord”
and contain both painting and installations.